Frequently Asked Questions
How does Type Snap reconsider the standard of today's web-based typography?
The growth of web-based typography has caught up to a level where people can utilize it with an ease
and clarity. So what's missing then? Nothing major is missing anymore and that could very well be an issue. Web typography shouldn't be improved to achieve the same capability as desktop & print. Typography will always evolve according to its new environment / context / medium.
Type Snap achieves what typography can perform on web and only for web. HTML5, Jquery, CSS, all of these contexts allow type to be so much more than
what we are familiar with.
Why split letters in ½?
People are no longer typing sentences over a chat. Emojis,
are replacing texts so we need letters to be that much more robust and up to snuff with these dynamic icons. We have been using SMS abbreviations such as 'OMG', 'BRB' or 'WTF'
from the beginning of the texting culture and they will continue to be utilized due to its efficiency and flexibility. The crude SMS abbreviations and its literacy became my starting point, I wanted 'WTF' to be read faster, more dynamic and more intimate.
So I simply split letters in ½. Not only does it increase its reading speed, but we can now pack more words and meaning without compromising its quantity. It's no different than how a printer
started to use movable type ligatures to increase their typing speed and legibiltiy. Think about this implication for something like Twitter.
You can say more and still type the same amount of words. Wacky? Maybe, but the internet is a wacky place.
Why are these letters in motion?
Same reason as above. Animated emoji's and gifs are so dominant. It's common now to insert animation in chat/comment boxes.
We need letters that can accompany animated icons
It also presents an opportunity to swap in different typefaces. It's an homage to Dead History and Keedy Sans. The 90's attitutde / post-modernism is very relevant now online, as I type this on July 2015. Maybe the
internet is experiencing its own post-modernism and older/traditional users are feeling more distant from it and eventually hating the internet.
Initiated by Studio Wonder Level